All things change, and we change with them

Tuesday 14 June 2011

useful tesco information...

On accounting from fellow students tgf contributions:

Which organization’s accounts did you choose to review and why? (Include, if you can, the web address of the site you viewed.)
I have chosen Tesco because it is a supermarket I do my weekly shopping in and their prices affect me and my family. Also I found that they provided a very detailed annual report on their website which was easily accessible. (
Comment briefly on whether or not your impression of the long-term financial security of this company altered after reading their accounts. Explain the reasons for your opinion.
After reading their financial report I think that Tesco will keep growing. Their group sales are continuously increasing being 43.1 billion pounds in 2006 to 62.5b£ in 2010. They have stores in the UK and Europe and still keep expanding which creates income. In overall Tesco will keep employing new people around the world, it will keep creating new stores, new products and if people buy from them they will make their prices competitive and will win many customers.

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