All things change, and we change with them

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Useful words for the day..

succinct [səkˈsɪŋkt]
1. marked by brevity and clarity; concise
2. compressed into a small area
3. Archaic
a.  encircled by or as if by a girdle
b.  drawn up tightly; closely fitting
[from Latin succinctus girt about, from succingere to gird from below, from sub- from below + cingere to gird]

concise [kənˈsaɪs]
expressing much in few words; brief and to the point
[from Latin concīsus cut up, cut short, from concīdere to cut to pieces, from caedere to cut, strike down]
concisely  adv
conciseness  n

financial service authority (FSA)


Independentagency, similar to FINRA, that controls thefinancialserviceindustryin the United Kingdom. This agency was created to essentiallyprotectinvestorsfrom unfair orunethicalpractices in the financial industry. The FSA posses a variety of regulatorypowersdelegated to thecompanyunder theFinancial Services Act1986.

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