All things change, and we change with them

Tuesday 12 April 2011

B203 Block 6 Information Management

Hinton P.81 states " We are, ultimately, simultaneously both autonomous and gregarious, which is one reason why human affairs are so complex- and interesting."


au·ton·o·mous  (ô-tn-ms)
1. Not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent: an autonomous judiciary; an autonomous division of a corporate conglomerate.
2. Independent in mind or judgment; self-directed.
a. Independent of the laws of another state or government; self-governing.
b. Of or relating to a self-governing entity: an autonomous legislature.
c. Self-governing with respect to local or internal affairs: an autonomous region of a country.
4. Autonomic.

[From Greek autonomos : auto-auto- + nomoslaw; see nem- in Indo-European roots.]


gre·gar·i·ous  (gr-gâr-s)
1. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable. See Synonyms at social.
2. Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind: gregarious bird species.
3. Botany Growing in groups that are close together but not densely clustered or matted.

[Latin gregriusbelonging to a flock, from grex, greg-flock; see ger- in Indo-European roots.]

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