All things change, and we change with them

Tuesday 14 June 2011

useful tesco information...

on hrm

employee relations

tesco could develop problms with employee relations as they expand internationally, if they do not remember that different cultures need different training and have different expectations about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.

useful tesco information...

On accounting from fellow students tgf contributions:

Which organization’s accounts did you choose to review and why? (Include, if you can, the web address of the site you viewed.)
I have chosen Tesco because it is a supermarket I do my weekly shopping in and their prices affect me and my family. Also I found that they provided a very detailed annual report on their website which was easily accessible. (
Comment briefly on whether or not your impression of the long-term financial security of this company altered after reading their accounts. Explain the reasons for your opinion.
After reading their financial report I think that Tesco will keep growing. Their group sales are continuously increasing being 43.1 billion pounds in 2006 to 62.5b£ in 2010. They have stores in the UK and Europe and still keep expanding which creates income. In overall Tesco will keep employing new people around the world, it will keep creating new stores, new products and if people buy from them they will make their prices competitive and will win many customers.

useful tesco information...

Relating to marketing- the heart beat economy-

A fellow students answer on the tgf-

A) Select a service which you ‘consume’, what is it about your experience of this service that means you choose this provider?
I have chosen a local Tesco Metro which is situated a few minutes from my work place and which I visit on a regular basis.
B) Is there anything about this service that raises your blood pressure?
I'm aware that Tesco Metro's store a smaller amount of stock compared to their main stores, but i find this metro is particular is always out of stock which majority of the time is due to late deliveries. Some of their special offers are not added to the system, so you are charged the normal price and when you inform the staff (who are very friendly and helpful may I add) of this, it takes more than 5 minutes  for a supervisor to be located and rectify the mistake, baring in mind I have already waited nearly half of my lunch hour to be served as the queue is that long!
C) From your perspective, could this product/service be improved? Why do you think it is that the business concerned isn’t able to satisfy this aspect of your requirements?
Improvements have started to be made, they have installed 2 self service machines, to reduce the queues.  However, most of the time only one machine is working!
They need to ensure all special offers are put through the system properly, sort out the faulty machine and train all staff members on how to operate it instead of appointing only a few members - which will save time and stress!
They may need to change delivery times which is beneficial for all - maybe get stock delivered the night before (less traffic etc), which ensures shelves are stocked for the next day.

useful tesco information...

relating to operations mangement... lean operations...

comment by a fellow student in tgf:

I work for a large supermarket, which has a policy that customers should not have to queue at a checkout. All staff and management are till trained. When the store becomes busy checkouts are manned to cope with increase in demand. The customer prospective is that the supermarket is trying to make shopping an enjoyable experience as possible.

 I went to the supermarket for just a few items and went to use the self service tills. However there were no instructions. I therefore tried to swipe through a bottle of whisky and was then not allowed to continue until I had received permission to purchase the alcohol from a customer service assistant. This defeated the purpose of the "express" check out. In order to overcome this the customer's loyalty card should be swiped in first for proof of age to facilitate the purhase process. savings, grow your own..

I have selected all products of the type that replacements are generally not kept.  They are everyday items to me yet the volume used everyday is minimal.  This ensures they stay in stock for all a very long time.  Plus due to its slow usage volume wise, i have a lengthy period in which to purchase replacements, so never really running out/
This is why all my products have a low stock turn, max being 12 / year, so once a month.  The reason is lifestye, i grow and eat alot of my own veg so don't need to buy regulary from shops/supermarkets.  For this reason space in cupboards is not a premium and i do not /cannot increase efficiency of my shopping trips. (perhaps since all are non-perishable.)
I could however seek further discounts by buying at wholesalers in larger quantity.  Yet although spce is not an issue for me in terms of volume overall, often larger packs come in awkward sizes for the domestic kitchen cupboards, not fitting on shelves would cause a space problem when there is plenty!!

Taken from a fellow students notes on tgf forum in regard to pareto and abc inventory, added here as he is saying how he does not shop a lot because he grows alot of his own stuff= saving money but also being healthy.

Thursday 9 June 2011

stuff for b203 exam....

Remember to add to this with references from your own organisation -  You MUST know an organisation well. You will need to have, for each functional area studied, a good grasp [for example, a list or (say) a “mindmap”] of topics covered under each functional area.  Ian will ensure that copies of the mindmaps are placed in threads on TGF.  You should ensure that examples are considered that “ground” the concepts within your chosen organisation. 

Ian noted that the Question 1 sections and the pre- Q2 to Q6 header on the B203 Examination Papers requires examples to be given.